a collection of random ramblings, misplaced thoughts and uncategorised words inspired by life, human emotions, sunday afternoons and everything in between.


we read words that tell us what to do, why not write those words ourselves?


ideally, should two minds collide, energy is exchanged and therefore change should be inevitable.

when the emotions of two individuals sum up into one, a new distinct emotion should come into being.

so only when there's collision that causes fusion involving the mind and emotions between two individuals, we'll start encountering the process of immortalisation that we all instinctively seek.



liz said...

What sort of Immortality? Love?

a said...

"...you and me / meant to be / immutable / impossible..."

- stand inside your love, smashing pumpkins

liz said...

Oh! that song has a cool intro and drum beat!

khaliq said...

Now that's I call union by annihilation.