a collection of random ramblings, misplaced thoughts and uncategorised words inspired by life, human emotions, sunday afternoons and everything in between.


we read words that tell us what to do, why not write those words ourselves?

art: a total mindfuck.

an artist is forever cursed by this notion called 'passion'. this potentially life-changing, sometimes fortune-making and other times life-threatening, although satisfying, element of life itself brings more chaos to the mind more than what it is intended to.

like a recreational drug, it's as if it's designed to get someone interested in 'what it can do for you', get hooked on it, prioritise it over everything else - taking you on this never-ending journey of finding the ultimate trip, even if it means harming you in the process. and most artists don't mind. pure evil addiction.

art doesn't only exist because of artistic individuals' embedded need to 'create' and 'express'. it also exists because with every art there is an audience (or an audience intended for it). this idea of 'third party appreciation' therefore brings us to another dark side art that joe & jane public rarely see: the psychology behind the commercialisation of art. this seem to have become more and more notoriously necessary today where no art gets away with really being freeform anymore whether it be visual, writing or sound. consumers are being exposed to a massive plethora of genres, thus indirectly, evolving them to have certain preferences; creating extreme purists and limiting art appreciation as a whole. though this may seem harmless on the surface, due to this, most artists today tend to have the cliche fear of going 'outside the box', for the simple reason that they 'may decrease appreciation'. what once seem 'ideal to do' - creating something entirely 'new' - has now become 'a risk to take' - causing the creation of something 'safe'. therefore explaining the watered-down de-evolution state of art in these modern times.

creating art is a process of immortalisation. the more indispensable that creation is, the higher the cost of that process tend to be. time and effort suddenly are scarce, weirdly enough for something that's going to last 'for eternity'. all levels of obsessiveness come into play, all degrees of analysis are factored in, and all layers of details are being deconstructed - all of which is the price of immortalisation.

a total mindfuck. most artists would die for their art. that is if their art won't kill them first.


s e l f l e s s n e s s

so i was having dinner at a local pizzeria tonight,and there was a table of Monks having theirs on the other end. And it was just so tempting to pull one out and ask what the secret to achieving constant enlightenment and tranquility is.Teach me how to reach Nirvana,please! To have zero ego and not be the least bit affected by all these unnecessary distractions.Pretty sure its possible and not too difficult,plus it would be very much worthwhile having to live without any more drama.Then it occured to me, ' I ain't gonna really have to sit under no Bodhi Tree' to get there.That equal balance does exist and no meditation round-the-clock is required.That what you're already doing is leading to the Right track and too much worry is just nonessential.That there are so many other current vital things to be focused on.Things that mattered to the future. To the part where bills had to be continously paid, for even the Monk wants to arrive to a level that is his comfort zone in all senses in order to give back to society.(And even the Monk desires to drive a Ferrari.)

seems that selflessness speaks of no hints in being selfish to other people, but is in fact the kind of attitude that knows how to prioritize the self when it is highly due.When it is essential but otherwise and sometimes mistaken for egotistical behaviour.If we only realize and learn how to appreciate ourselves more and recognize our strengths and not let anyone else,not even the Folks dictate how our Lives should be run.To self revolutionize our weaknesses and pain and transform them into an elixir of life.And to be shared with as many people deserving or otherwise. The manual is already in our hearts if we only knew where to search.However we must also be able to not only forgive,but to forget. Releasing all forms of anger inside.They never forget to mention this,and they sure were not lying either.Even when your judgment is heavily clouded in times of distress and these bouts may occur and
sometimes emerge, it's best to think that there is that light at the end of the Tunnel.And even if it is raining outside the Tunnel, the Sun will always reappear.And sometimes what we really need in order to survive,is really just the Sun...